Stop the ACLU


New member
Sep 25, 2000
I like my lifestyle along with the porn and gambling that flavors my the thought that if I was a woman I'd have some control over birth control. Also like the separation of church and state.....if you want your kid to say a prayer in school then send them to some Catholic or Lutheran type religious school of choice.......public school is for teaching lifeskills like math and how to read and write, if you want them to say a prayer and thank god for getting them through the equation, send them to a religious based school. Really simple.

We need groups like the ACLU around to counter all the in-your-face morality groups that can't seem to pay their cable bill, raise their own family as they see fit, and give other people the same freedom in raising their own.

A church and a porn store can exist on the same block and I don't want to see some religious theocracy appear in this country as has appeared in the middle east.....the patriot act and it's illusions that terrorists are living at offshore sportsbooks have created enough problems just in this forum alone that anyone would hate to see the morality crusade gain momentum.

Skip the moral and religious dictatorship and just learn to live and let live already. Is that too tough a concept?

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
I am a proud card-carrying member of the ACLU, and any person even remotely connected to an internet gambling forum probably should be as well.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
There's nothing wrong with the ACLU if you don't like the core family and if you hate America.

I'm not concerned about religion in the classroom - that's the excuse the anti-AmericanACLU uses to extend its own agenda - I am concerned about classroom discipline and keeping political agendas out of the classroom; I'm for parents being in charge of the family, not some school nurse or school administrator; I believe the government should stay out of our lives.

If anyone is interested, here is the agenda of the ACLU:

Every day, the headlines scream with some new threat from the American Civil Liberties Union. I believe it's important to look behind the curtain and discover the origins of groups and organizations to better understand their activities. The ACLU was founded in the 1920s by Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman, described as a "progressive" and "the perfect feminist."

Earl Browder was general secretary of the Communist Party of the United States from 1930 through its dissolution in 1944. When the party was reconstituted as the Communist Political Association later that year, Browder was chosen as its president. Browder proudly proclaimed that the ACLU functioned as "a transmission belt" for the party. To deny the ACLU's founding was attached at the hip to communist organizations is to deny what can easily be proven as truth.
For the past few decades, the ACLU has been on a major crusade to destroy Christianity in America, promote filth under "freedom of speech and expression," and of course, vigorously defend the homosexual culture of death. On Jan. 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr., D-Fla., read a list of 45 communist goals into the [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]Congressional [/FONT][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]Record[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]. Below are the communist goals being implemented by the ACLU in their quest to destroy America's culture and traditions:
  • Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions, by claiming their activities violate [COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]civil [/FONT][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]rights[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR].
  • Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
  • Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all form of artistic expression. An American communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings," substituting shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.
  • Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
  • Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
  • Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and television.
  • Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural and healthy."
  • Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."
  • Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
  • Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of "the big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the communists took over. Obliterating the American past, with its antecedents in principles of freedom, liberty and private ownership is a major goal of the communists then and now.
  • Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture – education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
  • Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
Anyone who has been following the destructive path of the ACLU can easily see how effective these communist goals have been implemented to "promote democracy" and protect your "civil rights." Lenin stated: "[COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif][COLOR=blue! important][FONT='Times New Roman', Georgia, Serif]Communism[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] alone is capable of providing really complete democracy." (See Tucker, "The Lenin Anthology"). James Madison, known as the "Father of the Constitution" had something different to say about a democracy:

Democracy is the most vile form of government ... democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention, have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property, and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.
Perhaps it's time to recognize the ACLU as the American Communist Lawyers Union instead of their disingenuous "civil rights" stage name.

(From Devvy kidd,

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Apparently you haven't spent a lot of time in a classroom....What the hell do you think goes on everyday? :ohno:

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
I think that the NEA and the ACLU have formed a partnership to forward their mutual agenda - and the classroom is where that agenda is being presented. If you think differently, you're wrong.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
LOL, you are right. I forgot you teach....oh wait you don't. You sound paranoid. I don't give my opinions on any of the current events issues we discuss in class. I play both sides of everything, its up to them to come up with a point of view....And most teachers aren't interested in brainwashing kids either. I've seen much more of this in college, but not under college.

New member
Sep 25, 2000
"communist goals" of the ACLU....????

How absurd. If anything they are promoting individual freedom and the right to choose. That is hardly communist in nature, if anything is communist it's the promotion of intolerance towards the people considered outside of some hyper-morality.

I could care less what two gay or lesbian people do, or what some bible-thumper teaches his own kids, or what magazines people choose to buy with their own money.

It's all about making adult choices and having the freedom to make those choices.

Heil Hitler.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
The ACLU and the UN. These are non partisan orginazations and somehow they have become partisan issues. It's retarded.

There is nothing wrong with the ACLU and the UN, take the tin foil hat off.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
LOL, you are right. I forgot you teach....oh wait you don't. You sound paranoid. I don't give my opinions on any of the current events issues we discuss in class. I play both sides of everything, its up to them to come up with a point of view....And most teachers aren't interested in brainwashing kids either. I've seen much more of this in college, but not under college.

I'm not talking about teachers - IMO, most teachers are trying to do the best job they can in an environment that works against them thanks to the ACLU and the NEA.

Please remember that these organizations have been paramount in limiting the teachers classroom authority and the authority of school administrators to punish students who act up; these organizations have supported keeping the worst, most criminal students in the classroom thus assuring the loss of borderline students; these organizations have helped to change the way history and social sciences are taught; these organizations have lost sight of the fact that the classroom is there to prepare students for the workplace and to be the best that they can be in their socio-economic lives.

For every rural bible thumper you can come up, I'll find you a dozen inner city left wing zealots who are true believers in the ACLU/NEA agenda.

Take a look in any inner city neighborhood and tell me these kids are getting the best education they can have.

Take a look at some of those tenured teachers and tell me they're doing the best that they can.

With a good education, any street corner punk can become a success story when he finally matures into an adult - I'm living proof of that.

The system is denyinhg millions of kids the best education they can have and the ACLU/NEA agenda is the cause of the disfunction.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
"communist goals" of the ACLU....????

How absurd. If anything they are promoting individual freedom and the right to choose. That is hardly communist in nature, if anything is communist it's the promotion of intolerance towards the people considered outside of some hyper-morality.

I could care less what two gay or lesbian people do, or what some bible-thumper teaches his own kids, or what magazines people choose to buy with their own money.

It's all about making adult choices and having the freedom to make those choices.

Heil Hitler.

The ACLU was born to do nothing but the communist agenda - that's an undeniable fact.

The following is from the 1963 Congressional records - that's 1963 - read it and tell me that it doesn't represent the goals ogf the ACLU:

Thursday, January 10, 1963
Mr. HERLONG. Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Fla., is an ardent and articulate opponent of communism, and until recently published the De Land Courier, which she dedicated to the purpose of alerting the public to the dangers of communism in America.
At Mrs. Nordman's request, I include in the RECORD, under unanimous consent, the following "Current Communist Goals," which she identifies as an excerpt from "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen:
[From "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen]
1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament of the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N. 9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind.
If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand. (Clinton/Gore/Reno/Congress)
39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use united force to solve economic, political or social problems.
43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
44. Internationalize the Panama Canal. 45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

RX resident ChicAustrian
Aug 8, 2005
I like my lifestyle along with the porn and gambling that flavors my the thought that if I was a woman I'd have some control over birth control. Also like the separation of church and state.....if you want your kid to say a prayer in school then send them to some Catholic or Lutheran type religious school of choice.......public school is for teaching lifeskills like math and how to read and write, if you want them to say a prayer and thank god for getting them through the equation, send them to a religious based school. Really simple.

We need groups like the ACLU around to counter all the in-your-face morality groups that can't seem to pay their cable bill, raise their own family as they see fit, and give other people the same freedom in raising their own.

A church and a porn store can exist on the same block and I don't want to see some religious theocracy appear in this country as has appeared in the middle east.....the patriot act and it's illusions that terrorists are living at offshore sportsbooks have created enough problems just in this forum alone that anyone would hate to see the morality crusade gain momentum.

Skip the moral and religious dictatorship and just learn to live and let live already. Is that too tough a concept?
:ohno:Free speach applies to prayer too.

New member
Sep 25, 2000
The ACLU was born to do nothing but the communist agenda - that's an undeniable fact.

The following is from the 1963 Congressional records - that's 1963 - read it and tell me that it doesn't represent the goals ogf the ACLU:

Thursday, January 10, 1963
Mr. HERLONG. Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Fla., is an ardent and articulate opponent of communism, and until recently published the De Land Courier, which she dedicated to the purpose of alerting the public to the dangers of communism in America.
At Mrs. Nordman's request, I include in the RECORD, under unanimous consent, the following "Current Communist Goals," which she identifies as an excerpt from "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen:
[From "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen]
1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament of the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N. 9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind.
If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand. (Clinton/Gore/Reno/Congress)
39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use united force to solve economic, political or social problems.
43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
44. Internationalize the Panama Canal. 45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

So, you want to compare what the ACLU is doing to some failed doctrine as communism.......yes, failed.....even Joe C will tell you as he has stated in numerous threads that communism is obsolete and a truly failed policy.........don't tell me you now disagree with Joe because what you're saying and what he's saying cannot co-exist....

Communism has nothing to do with's simply intolerance by the bible belt and moral prudes that people have choices outside their narrow moral tunnel vision......

It's about individual adult decisions and about personal freedom, the ACLU does more for freedom and choice than the moral snobs trying to convert the country from some alternate lifestyle choices that they consider immoral yet they fail to realize all they simply have to do is choose what's right for them and quietly get the fuck out of other people's lives.

Hey Let Me Hold Some Ends I'll Hit You Back On The
Dec 13, 2007
you guys are amazing

If you don't like the ACLU, you are a Nazi and a right wing moral freak.

WTF is that shit.

Bunch of freak pigeonholers. You got an imaginary shelf for every person that doesn't agree with you. The ACLU would be proud of supporters of your ilk.

The UN has to be the most corrupt piece of garbage on the planet.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
When the UN puts sanctions on Iran its ok but when they want to forge an international court above the jurisdiction of our US Supreme court it is not; its a double edged sword.

Most staunch republicans who despise the UN for reasons of national sovereignty gladly give away rights to corporations who also take away national sovereignty but only from the private sector vs govt.

There is a happy medium somewhere, individual rights vs govt and private enterprise.

we arent perfect in the USA but nobody has it better as of now

New member
Nov 8, 2004
Yea for Mexicans...Yea for Americans....Yea for Canadians.

Be kind to your web footed friends, for they not be here forever.


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